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How to Pack for a Move The Right Way

Packing Strategies for a Long-Distance Move

In addition to being well-organized and thoroughly prepared, a packing strategy is key when moving long-distances.  As your premier Kamloops mover, Pioneer Moving would like to offer you the following tips on how to pack your items, minimize any problems while maximizing your packing and unpacking efficiency.

Be Prepared

Being fully prepared for a long-distance move means having the necessary moving supplies to pack your belongings.  There is nothing more frustrating than running out of packing tape halfway through your move, so gather your supplies early and make sure that they include the following items:

  • Scissors, packing tape, markers, labels and sturdy boxes of all shapes and sizes.
  • Newspaper, bubble wrap and Styrofoam packing peanuts to protect your fragile items such as glassware.
  • Enough hangers for your clothes.

Sort and Label

Starting your packing early is a great way to reduce the amount of stress when preparing for a long-distance move.  However, there are certain items that cannot be packed until the last minute such as your bedding.  By properly sorting through your belongings you should be able to determine what is essential and what items are nonessential.  Start by packing away your nonessential items and store them until moving day.


When packing your belongings, regardless of whether they are essential or nonessential, be sure to label your boxes.  The more detailed the labelling, the easier it will be to find the items and unpack them once you have moved in.

Personal Belongings

Not all your belongings should be packed away in the moving truck.  Certain items you will want to keep at arm’s reach as they will probably be used multiple times on your journey.  Personal items that you will want to keep with you include:

  • Documents such as insurance, house titles, passports, etc.
  • Toiletries such as toothbrushes, glasses, contact lenses and any prescription drugs.
  • Chargers, personal electronics and phones.

Keep it Together

When you are packing rooms, it is recommended that you keep the contents of each room together.    Don’t forget to label and list the contents contained in each box.

These packing strategies will make your next long-distance move a breeze.  If you would like more information on these or other packing strategies or are interested in our moving services, please contact us today.  We would love to be a part of your next long-distance move and look forward to working with you soon.

Packing Heavy Items

Usually the hardest items to pack for a move are the heaviest and most cumbersome.  You not only want to protect the item from damage during the move but will need to move these heavy items without hurting yourself as well.

The Right Stuff

Regardless of what you are moving, it is important to have the right supplies and materials.  These include:

  • Sturdy cardboard boxes. Make sure that all your boxes are made of durable cardboard.  Try using double-walled boxes for your heavier items for extra security.
  • Thick wrapping material. Just because an item is heavy does not mean that it is fragile or breakable.  Use heavy wrapping material such as multi-layer bubble wrap to protect heavy items from damage.  Moving blankets or thick blankets can also be used to provide extra protection during the move.
  • Packing tape. Not all packing tape is created equally.  Make sure to use a quality tape to reinforce your boxes and to keep your wrapping in place.

Packing Furniture

The heftiest and most awkward items you will probably move will be various parts of furniture.  Here is a brief guide on how to move these large pieces in a safe and effective manner.

  • Disassemble heavy or cumbersome parts of furniture. Store all screw, nuts, bolts etc. in a labeled bag and tape the bag to the piece of furniture for easy reassembly.
  • Protect each piece of furniture. Wrap and tape the individual parts of the furniture and cover them with blankets to avoid any damage during the move.

Packing Appliances

You may also want to move some of your appliances.  Many of these appliances are heavy and can be difficult to move.  To protect them and ensure your safety, make sure to:

  • Unplug electric appliances from their power sources before moving.
  • Empty shelving or drawers from heavy appliances before moving. If you are moving your refrigerator or deep freeze, make sure to defrost them at least 48 hours before the move.
  • Tape and secure all appliance doors to prevent from opening.
  • Wrap and protect each appliance to avoid damage or scratches.

Packing Heavy Items

Certain heavy items will be able to be packed into boxes.  Please follow these guidelines to ensure that your heavy items arrive undamaged:

  • Do not over pack heavy items into boxes. You do not want to injure yourself when carrying the boxes.  You also do not want the bottom to drop out of a box mid move.
  • Never pack heavy items with other breakable items.
  • Fill empty space in boxes with paper or other packing material to prevent shifting or damage during the move.
  • Label heavy boxes and never stack these boxes on top of lighter ones.

These simple guidelines should allow you to move your heavy and cumbersome belongings safely and effectively.  If you would like more information on how to move heavy items or are interested in the many moving options and services that we offer, please call us today. 

Packing Fragile Items

When moving to a new home, you have a great deal on your plate, including deciding how you’re going to move your most valued, fragile items. Moving delicate items to a new home can be a very stressful task, especially if you’ve never done it before. Fortunately, transporting sensitive items successfully isn’t as difficult as you might believe, particularly if you have the right tips and strategies on your side.

By taking the right steps, your fragile items will make it to your new home unscathed and intact. Read about properly packing your fragile items before a move and find out how you can ease the process with help from movers Kamloops.

Getting Ready Beforehand

For many people planning a move to a new home, there is an overwhelming desire to get the job done as soon as possible. However, when you’re moving fragile items, trying to rush through the job runs the risk of ending in disaster. Instead of trying to transport your sensitive possessions as quickly as you can, you should take things slow to make sure that the job is done right.

Pack your delicate possessions one at a time, making sure that you go as slow as you must to ensure their overall safety. When you take things slow while packing fragile items, you’ll guarantee the safety of your valued belongings.

Making Sure You Have the Tools for the Job

Like any important job, making sure that your fragile objects make it to your new home undamaged requires having the right tools. Before you pack your first item, you need to make sure that you have all the packing materials that you’ll need to complete the job successfully.

First, you need to make sure you have plenty of room to pack in. When space is crowded, it’s much more likely to knock over something and break one of your belongings. For materials, you’ll need packing boxes of varying sizes, tape, protective materials like bubble wrap and scissors. With your materials gathered, you’ll be ready for tough packing jobs.

Tips for Popular Items

One of the best ways to make sure that your sensitive possessions are not damaged during your move, it can be a good idea to get packing tips for some of the most common, fragile items that you may need to transport.

Plates, for example, need to be stored in a midsize box with cushioning materials placed between each plate. Glasses, on the other hand, must be wrapped individually in protective materials and should not be packed too tightly to avoid breakage. If you have questions about specific fragile items that you need to move, the best solution is to work with experienced the experienced Kamloops movers that will understand how to complete your job successfully.

Get Help from Kamloops Movers

If you want to be certain that your fragile property reaches your new home unscathed, then you need to work with the professional movers that you’ll find at Pioneer Moving.

The team at Pioneer Moving understands the difficulties in moving fragile items, and we can help move your valued possessions so that your home move is as stress-free as possible. Contact us today to learn how we can assist you.

Packing Your Bathroom

A move requires proper planning and organization in order to go smoothly. Moves have lots of moving parts (pun intended), and you need to make sure that they are all going in the direction you need them to move. One of the biggest parts of any move is the packing. It takes the longest and can end up causing delays if you aren’t properly prepared.  The bathroom is one of the more difficult rooms to pack. Here are some tips on getting your bathroom ready to move.

Set Aside the Essentials

Start by setting aside anything that might be a necessity. These are things that you simply cannot go a day without. Medications, soap, shampoo and cosmetics are examples of the sorts of items that you are going to need. Place these items into a sturdy cardboard box, and label it Bathroom Essentials. Make sure that it is clearly marked so that it doesn’t get loaded into the moving truck.

Purge What Isn’t Needed

That half a bottle of jasmine-scented shampoo you were saving for a special occasion? It probably doesn’t need to make its way to your new home. Take the time to get rid of things like that as well as open bars of soap. Ensure that you dispose of all these things properly. If you have some bathroom towels or rags that have seen better days, throw those away as well. If you prefer, you could use them as rags or packing blankets to save yourself a few dollars.

Go Through Medications and Cosmetics

Check all the medicine that you have for anything that may be expired. If it is, dispose of it properly. Likewise, with cosmetics. If there are any that look discolored or have an odd smell or consistency, dispose of them. No telling what an old cosmetic product might do to your body.

If you have prescription medications that you didn’t finish but are still not expired, throw those away as well. There really is no reason to keep them.

Make sure to throw away anything that is not clearly marked.

Time to Pack

Now that everything is cleaned up, it is time to pack it. Any liquids or gels that you have decided to keep should be placed in a sealed container. This could be as simple as a Ziploc plastic bag. The idea is to prevent leakage. Make sure that the container is tightly closed before packing.

Packing should be done in small boxes. Remember bathroom items are heavy, and that’s what small boxes are used for. Line your boxes on the inside with bathroom towels and rags to provide extra padding.

Any remaining towels can be packed into a large box since they are bulky but generally light.

Have Professional Movers in Kamloops Do Your Move for You

Why do all the work when Pioneer Moving would be happy to do it for you? Hiring a professional mover might not be as expensive as you think. Contact us today for a quote.

There is a Right Way to Pack Your Shoes

There are a lot of things you need to consider when planning your move.  One of the biggest jobs is what you are going to pack (and how you do it).  Some of the things that you own are pretty straightforward.  There is only one way to pack a book into a book box.  Other things require a more subtle hand.  Shoes are one of them.  There is actually a right and wrong way to pack your shoes.  Here are some tips to ensure that your favorite shoes make it to your new home looking great!

Start by Cleaning House

Yes, you have too many shoes, but you already knew that.  Fortunately, moving is a great excuse to take some time to get rid of some of them.  Carefully go through all the shoes that you have and take a serious look at the ones you haven’t worn for a long time.  Do you have any intention of ever wearing them?  If the answer is no, then you can either put them in the garage sale or charity pile.

While you are going through your shoes, take the time to sort them out.  Put like seasons together.  Summer sandals with other sandals, winter boots with other boots.  This makes it easier to pack, and it also makes it easier knowing which ones go on the bottom of the box.

Clean and Dry

Take a minute to wipe down the shoes that you are planning on packing.  You want to make sure that they are not damp or holding any moisture.  If they are, it could lead to mold, ruining the shoe when you went to get it from its box.  If you can, let them dry out a few hours before packing them.

Small Boxes in Big Boxes

If you have the original boxes that your shoes came in, that is the best box to pack them in.  If not, there are plenty of smaller boxes that you could use to pack them.  If you must, you can always pack a few pairs into bigger boxes.

Start by putting packing paper into your shoes.  Don’t use old newspaper.  The ink could stain your shoes.  The paper will help your shoes retain their shape, just like in the shoe store.  Mark the box with what kind of shoes are in it with black marker, then tape the box shut.  If you are putting multiple pairs into one box, try to keep the types similar.

Once you have the small boxes filled, pack them into a larger box.  You want to sort by season and place the shoes you are going to use soon on the top.  Place the off season ones on the bottom.  Once you have the larger box full, tape it shut and label it appropriately.

Make Your Move Easy by Hiring Expert Movers in Kamloops

Pioneer Moving can make your move much easier by doing all the hard work for you.  Contact us today!

Avoid These Mistakes

couple packing dishes

Undoubtedly, the most time consuming and difficult part of a move is packing. Not only do you need to make sure that all your possessions are wrapped up in neat little cardboard packages, but you have what seems like little to no time to get it done. When you are packing, there are some common mistakes that you should avoid, courtesy of your movers in Kamloops.

Don’t Overload your Boxes

Those large boxes aren’t for all your books or the dumbbells in your gym. Not only is overloading boxes dangerous for anyone who is trying to pick them up, but it can actually lead to damaged items. Cardboard can only carry so much weight before failing. If you overload a box, there is a good chance that it is going to break.

Make sure that you put your heaviest items into the smallest boxes, and your lighter but bigger items into the larger boxes. That way nobody will get hurt, including the box!

Unpacking Is Not Instantaneous: Plan for the First Week

Did you remember to pack up the very necessary things for your first week in your new home? Yes, packing up your luggage with the clothes you are going to need for the week as well as your necessary toiletries is a great idea. What about your coffee maker, the Roku and your laptop? Take a couple boxes and pack the essentials, as well as things like paper towels, first aid supplies and maybe even your favourite bottle opener.

Don’t Forget to Label Your Boxes

You remember everything that is in every box, right? No? Then you should probably make sure to label your boxes. Having what room they come from is a great start, but you might also want to give yourself some little hints about what the contents of the boxes are. It will make looking for specific items much easier.

One great idea is to put a small inventory list on the top flap of your box. It doesn’t need to be a full list of everything in the box, but a partial list with a reminder where the items came from is usually enough.

If you want to be really organized, you can make a full inventory and number your boxes with the exact contents—but who has time for that?

Don’t Manhandle Your Breakables

Places that sell moving supplies sell special boxes and wrapping for plates and wine glasses for a reason. While you may have the utmost faith in your newspaper and bath towel method, odds are that you are going to end up with more than one broken breakable.

Pack your plates standing on the side and invest in glass boxes for your wine glasses. Remember to mark boxes with breakable items as Fragile so that they don’t end up on the bottom of a heavy stack!

Don’t Pack Yourself—Let Professional Movers in Kamloops Do It for You!

The best way to avoid packing mistakes is to leave it up to the professionals. Click here for an estimate from Pioneer Moving and Storage!

We sell a complete line of packing and moving supplies, as well as providing professional Packing and Unpacking services.

Pioneer Moving and Storage

1284 Salish Rd, Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada
V2H 1K1
Tel: 250-573-6083
Cell: 250-682-1600
Toll Free: 1-877-746-5423


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