
Before your van foreman completes loading, give him/her a phone number where you can be reached once you leave. It is VERY IMPORTANT to provide an alternative contact number in case you cannot be reached in your new home.

Tag: apartment

Some Food for Thought on Moving to Your First Apartment

Are you planning on moving into your first apartment? This is a big step for people and there are a lot of things that you should consider before you move into your first apartment. Here are some things that you should think about before you move to make sure that your first move is a […]

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Moving On Up: Tips for an Apartment

  If you have spent your life living in a house, then it can be exciting to move into your first apartment. Living in an apartment is a totally different experience than living in a house though. While it does not matter if you are renting your apartment or own it, here are some tips […]

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Pioneer Moving and Storage

1284 Salish Rd, Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada
V2H 1K1
Tel: 250-573-6083
Cell: 250-682-1600
Toll Free: 1-877-746-5423


  • Long time and active member of the Kamloops Chamber of Commerce and past President

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Kamloops Mover