Kamloops has long been compared to the small yet burgeoning cities of the old west, minus the high-noon showdowns of course. Even our Kamloops moving company borrowed from such themes when branding our Kamloops moving and storage service. We wear the old western town charm comparison with pride as does the rest of our fine community.
Readers by now know that we use this Kamloops moving company blog for more than offering tips on household relocations and the like. We like to think of this page on our website as a place to come for all things related to the Kamloops community. When an individual or household is considering a move to Kamloops they need look no further than Pioneer Moving as their Welcome Wagon – that’s pure western hospitality!
In the spirit of the topic we thought we’d let you know about a great annual event taking place over this coming weekend in Kamloops – The 17th Annual Kamloops Cowboy Festival. From March 7th to the 10th locals and travelers alike will converge upon the city for an old western good time. The Festival is one of the biggest and best of its kind across North America. With nearly 30 performers gracing the stage country music lovers will be in heaven throughout the event. However the Festival also encourages participation from those in attendance. There will be Workshops and Seminars that range from saddle making to harmonica playing to learning how to write your very own country tune – perhaps one day you too will have the opportunity to perform at the Kamloops Cowboy Festival? There is also a trade show, an art show, and plenty of food and beverage options around to keep you coming back for every day of the event. Be sure to visit the 17th Annual Kamloops Cowboy Festival website for a complete schedule.
Our movers in Kamloops will be on hand to share in the festivities along with the community and quite a few of those that we have personally moved into Kamloops ourselves. That’s one of the great things about our old west appeal – customers end up becoming friends and we look forward to seeing every one of them at any of the great events taking place in Kamloops throughout the year.
If you are joining this welcoming community soon, please do contact our Kamloops moving company today. For those of you already in the fold, we’ll see you at the Festival!