
Spring Cleaning Tips From Kamloops Movers

Our Kamloops moving company will admit that spring may be a little slow to arrive weather-wise this year in our neck of the Thompson River but it is indeed that time of the year. For many households, this means it’s time for Spring Cleaning.

Aside from being a great incentive to get your kids to do their homework (anything to get out of house cleaning chores) and a way to remove dust, grime, and clutter from your home, it’s a great way to prepare for a relocation. Summer is the busy season of moving and even though you may be months away from a relocation yourself, now is the perfect time to get your house in order with a sweeping Spring Clean.

In this blog edition, our movers in Kamloops provide you with 3 Tips for Spring Cleaning:

1. Green Clean

Let Spring 2013 be the year that your home gets greener by cleaning with environmentally safe cleaning products. They’re much more affordable than they used to be. In addition, to save both on buying cleaning wipes and on paper towel waste, use old laundry items (old cotton t-shirts, towels, sheets, etc…) which also serve to reduce the clothing and linen clutter in the home. For great green cleaning advice, you can visit this website.

2. Yard Sale

Spring Cleaning not only refers to cleaning up the dust and grime and gathering up mess around the home, it also presents the annual opportunity to permanently remove clutter from every room in the house. Much of this clutter comes from the possessions that are no longer used and hold no real value to anyone in the home. One of the best ways to remove this clutter, and earn some spending cash in the process, is to hold a yard sale. As soon as the local weather person guarantees a sunny stretch, follow these relocation Yard Sale tips from our Kamloops moving company.

3. Donate

If you don’t have the time to organize a proper yard sale, or simply prefer to take a different route, donating excess household items to those in need can be a much more rewarding experience. A big Spring Clean offers the perfect opportunity to take stock of what you really need to keep in the home and to decide where these now expendable items may be better suited. Whether the local Big Brothers & Sisters, a local animal shelter, Salvation Army, or other charitable organization, it is up to you decide where you feel most comfortable donating items that you deem to be of better service to those in need.

Our movers in Kamloops hope to have inspired you to get down and dirty (and ultimately clean) with some household Spring Cleaning today.

Spring Clean aside, if you are one of the many preparing for a relocation during the up and coming summer moving season then our Kamloops moving company suggests that you get a jump on that process as well, not just in the cleaning, but by booking a professional Kamloops mover today.

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Pioneer Moving and Storage

1284 Salish Rd, Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada
V2H 1K1
Tel: 250-573-6083
Cell: 250-682-1600
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