
Before your van foreman completes loading, give him/her a phone number where you can be reached once you leave. It is VERY IMPORTANT to provide an alternative contact number in case you cannot be reached in your new home.

Tag: household moving

The Season of the Bear

As the summer winds down for the season (someone forgot to tell the weather) bears prepare for their season long slumber. When this happens, they stock up on food preserves in the same manner that us humans do before holiday season kicks in. But these feral grocery shoppers will be coming around the mountain and into our community to stock their bellies full.

The exceptionally warm summer saw an outbreak of bear sightings from the Nicola Valley to Kamloops region. BC Wildlife Park and McArthur Island Park has been owned by our thick furred neighbors through August and campers had to keep eyes and ears open day and night. Experts anticipate even more bear activity in and around Kamloops for the month of September and although incidences will likely remain uneventful for the most part (unless you disturb cubs) Kamloops residents should be mindful.

So what does this have to do with our Kamloops moving company blog?

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Liquidate to Lighten Your Load Before a Move


The Outdoor Life Network (OLN) unveiled a new summer show this week called The Liquidator featuring Jeff Schwarz, a local Kamloops BC resident who runs a Liquidation business on the coast. Jeff could be seen over the years rummaging through garage and yard sales in our home town in search of rusty treasure and he turned his passion for the hunt into a full blown career. This recent televised event sparked our introductory blog – Liquidating to Lighten Your Load Before a Move -with a Yard Sale.

Summertime yard sales are a great way to minimize packing while earning some cash to put towards your move. Here’s how:

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Pioneer Moving and Storage

1284 Salish Rd, Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada
V2H 1K1
Tel: 250-573-6083
Cell: 250-682-1600
Toll Free: 1-877-746-5423


  • Long time and active member of the Kamloops Chamber of Commerce and past President

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