It looks like a polar bear, it sounds like a polar bear, but it’s not a polar bear – it’s a Kermode bear. This week our Kamloops moving company caught wind of a new resident moving to Kamloops. We weren’t too concerned about not being contacted for this job since it’s a little out of our league. A rare white furred Kermode bear cub named Clover, abandoned months ago but rescued and rehabilitated over the summer, was at first reintroduced to the wild of Central Northwestern BC near Terrace into the aptly named Great Bear Rainforest. Apparently the furry fella wanted no part of that climate or the isolation because shortly after being collared with a monitor and released he broke free from his constraints and wandered back towards civilization, closer to his human counterparts. After further consideration, Clover was deemed unfit (unwilling?) to live in the Central Northwestern BC wild and the decision was made to bring him here to the Thompson River region to live his many years to come in the welcome arms of the BC Kamloops Wildlife Park.