
Before your van foreman completes loading, give him/her a phone number where you can be reached once you leave. It is VERY IMPORTANT to provide an alternative contact number in case you cannot be reached in your new home.

Tag: Spring Lawn Care Tips

7 Lawn Care Tips for your Kamloops Yard

Despite the rain, it seems like the warmer weather is finally here to stay. As Kamloops movers we often overhear families planning projects for their yards while moving into their new homes. Spring is a great time of year to take on those long awaited outdoor projects and it’s also the perfect time for sprucing up your yard. From flowers and planters to decks and fire pits the yard can be a tranquil get away from the rat race of the work week. And the champion of most yards is the lawn so wanted to share some tips on how to make your lawn look its best this season.

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Pioneer Moving and Storage

1284 Salish Rd, Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada
V2H 1K1
Tel: 250-573-6083
Cell: 250-682-1600
Toll Free: 1-877-746-5423


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