
Extremely fragile items such as glass, mirrors and pictures should be professionally packed or crated.

7 Lawn Care Tips for your Kamloops Yard

Despite the rain, it seems like the warmer weather is finally here to stay. As Kamloops movers we often overhear families planning projects for their yards while moving into their new homes. Spring is a great time of year to take on those long awaited outdoor projects and it’s also the perfect time for sprucing up your yard. From flowers and planters to decks and fire pits the yard can be a tranquil get away from the rat race of the work week. And the champion of most yards is the lawn so wanted to share some tips on how to make your lawn look its best this season.

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Kamloops Movers Tips for Short Notice Moves

As Kamloops Movers we get a lot of short notice requests for moves. We understand that not every move is planned well in advance. It could be because of a promotion, career change, or a spontaneous family decision. The point is that there isn’t much time left for planning, cleaning, packing and executing the move. This can often lead to a stressful situation so we put our heads together and came up with 5 tips for helping your short notice move go as smooth as possible.

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Maximize Home Storage with Kamloops Movers

Aside from being your favorite Kamloops Movers we are also well known for offering superb storage solutions. Our storage units are all certified by the government with a state of the art alarm system. Our units are also climate controlled and we offer agreements for short and long term storage. Of course, some things are best when stored at home because you may need them every once in a while. We thought we’d offer some of our favorite tips for optimizing your space at home with these easy self storage tips.

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5 Halloween Activities for Home

Kamloops Moving Company - Moving in the rain

It’s coming closer to that time of year where the city becomes engulfed in ghosts, ghouls, and zombies. But, every year there’s a select few of us that don’t celebrate the regular festivities and curl up at home with a cup of hot cider and a bowl of candy. I’ll admit, sometimes it’s nice to sit at home and watch scary movies and greet the children trick or treating. That’s why your Kamloops Movers have put together a list of fun filled activities you can do at home.

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Kamloops Movers Tips for Moving with Children

Kamloops Moving Company - Moving in the rain

The decision has been made, you’ve called your Realtor and now all that’s left is to decide on a new home and schedule your Kamloops Movers for the big day. Moving with children can sometimes be tough because moving can present a lot of big changes for them. Especially if the house you’re leaving is the home they grew up in from day one. Thank fully there are some tips for making the process easier for the whole family.

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3 Tips for Moving in the Rain

Kamloops Moving Company - Moving in the rain

As your Kamloops Movers, we wanted to offer our best solutions for moving in the rain. While putting our thoughts together we found that the solutions all revolved around three main concepts of protecting your belongings, your home and of course, your family as well as yourself.

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Kamloops Movers 5 Tips for Moving with Dogs

Kamloops Movers - Moving with your dog

As Kamloops Movers we’re used to moving families with dogs or other pets. But, sometimes we forget that our furry four legged friends don’t deal with change as well as we do. Before you begin your move it’s important to scope out the new neighborhood and look for dog friendly parks, beaches, or even a nice path for walks.

Aside from scoping out the neighborhood there are some common tips for moving with dogs.

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Kamloops Movers Keeping an Eye on Rising Rivers for You

It’s that time of the year when the city of Kamloops goes on official flood watch. Flood watch, is the one side-effect of enjoying both the wonderland that winter brings and the at-times sudden arrival of warm spring weather in this region where the Thompson Rivers convene.

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Spring Cleaning Tips From Kamloops Movers

Our Kamloops moving company will admit that spring may be a little slow to arrive weather-wise this year in our neck of the Thompson River but it is indeed that time of the year. For many households, this means it’s time for Spring Cleaning.

Aside from being a great incentive to get your kids to do their homework (anything to get out of house cleaning chores) and a way to remove dust, grime, and clutter from your home, it’s a great way to prepare for a relocation. Summer is the busy season of moving and even though you may be months away from a relocation yourself, now is the perfect time to get your house in order with a sweeping Spring Clean.

In this blog edition, our movers in Kamloops provide you with 3 Tips for Spring Cleaning:

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Kamloops – Ol’ Fashioned Western Appeal

Kamloops has long been compared to the small yet burgeoning cities of the old west, minus the high-noon showdowns of course. Even our Kamloops moving company borrowed from such themes when branding our Kamloops moving and storage service. We wear the old western town charm comparison with pride as does the rest of our fine community.

Readers by now know that we use this Kamloops moving company blog for more than offering tips on household relocations and the like. We like to think of this page on our website as a place to come for all things related to the Kamloops community. When an individual or household is considering a move to Kamloops they need look no further than Pioneer Moving as their Welcome Wagon – that’s pure western hospitality!

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Pioneer Moving and Storage

1284 Salish Rd, Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada
V2H 1K1
Tel: 250-573-6083
Cell: 250-682-1600
Toll Free: 1-877-746-5423


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